
Tuesday 6 April 2010

I discovered three really amazing, life-changing things this past weekend.

1-Stem. It's this machine that the trainer hooked up to my IT band (outside knee). It felt kind of tingly...and a bunch of electromagnetic waves shot through the tendons in my knee and contracted and relaxed all the tight muscles in there. (That's what I think happened anyways). And the next day I felt like a brand new person, and I ran 4 miles without a bit of pain. Marvelous.

2-You don't have to hold the nozzle of the gas thing the whole time you fill up your car! Rachel showed me this hidden button underneath, and when you push it and set it down it just holds itself up and funnels gas into your car without you having to do anything! I never knew this before...although I'm sure everyone else at all the gas stations in the past have laughed at me while I stood there holding the nozzle the entire time....

3-This book called "Whiter than Snow" by Paul David Tripp. It's all about the story of David and Psalm 51. Which God keeps throwing at me! This is the 3rd time I've done a study on David this semester...I guess I haven't got what I'm supposed to get yet...

But here is a really great quote that I got just from the preface!

"David's story is your story...There are times when you let yourself be ruled by your self-focused desires rather than by God's clear commands. There are times when you love something in the creation more than you love the Creator. There are times when you willingly step over God's boundaries in pursuit of what you want. THere are times when your little kingdom of one means more to you than his transcendent kingdom of glory. There are times when you work hard to deny what you have done or to cover up your tracks in fear of being caught."

I've done all that, I'm just as bad as David. I just am so glad for God's victory of grace over the sin that captivated David's heart, and captivates my heart as well.

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