
Wednesday 23 June 2010

Do you ever feel like something incredible is about to happen?

That's how I have been feeling these past few weeks.
I sense God preparing me for something beautiful.

He has been melting these really hardened areas of my heart and softening my spirit.
Even while I have become more sensitive to those hurting around me.
And yet He has been strengthening my resolve and healing my insecurities.
At the same time He has been wooing me to a deeper intimacy with Him.
The best part is that I can see ways He is using me right where I am.

1 comment:

  1. I love this Danielle! How great is our GOD, no doubt, and it is a joy to hear [even in a general sense] the great work He is doing [or preparing to do!] in and through you, His lovely and precious daughter.. To GOD be the glory, the power, and the honor, for ever and ever..
