
Saturday, 14 July 2012

A near stranger asked me a question the other day.
One that I haven't been able to shake.

"Why haven't you found the right guy yet?"

He went on to presume 
That either there's something wrong with the kind of guys I date...
Or there must be something wrong with me.

He asked if I was a hoarder or something equally secretly weird.
(And just so you know, the only thing I have tendencies to hoard is books).

But what if it is neither?
What if there's nothing wrong?
What if this is how it is supposed to be?
Why can't it be okay this way?

I've heard a lot of similar statements lately.
Ones that aren't meant to be hurtful.
But sting, nevertheless.

"I'll have a friend that I would just love to set you up with."
"Wait, weren't you just dating someone? What went wrong?"

And I just want to say,
There's nothing wrong with me because I'm single.
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be right now.

I'm growing in my knowledge of God,
of the things I'm passionate about.
I'm making use of the talents God has given me,
and I'm exactly where he wants me to be.

There's nothing better than to be than in His will.

Here's to coming to grips with finding my purpose
 in going to graduate school,
in serving others daily at my job,
in spending time with my family,
in being okay with today.


  1. Girl, it's been a year since I graduated and I still get those questions and comments... but let me tell you, from one single girl to another, I wouldn't trade this past year for anything in the world. God has loved on me, been sooo gracious to me, and allowed me to experience things that I wouldn't be able to experience had I been in a relationship. It has been some of the sweetest moments and I am SO grateful that I got to and still get to walk the path. Take heart and continue to tell people that there is nothing wrong with you. You get to experience God differently than they do. He will use you and mold you in this time and it will be a JOY! Praying extra amounts of God's love on you right now! :)

  2. Thank you friend. :) that is SO encouraging. I appreciate your prayers so much!
