
Tuesday 23 November 2010

...I keep thinking about last year's thanksgiving (the one I spent in Edinburgh, Scotland)...and I'm glad I'm not back there.

...Thanksgiving is my least favorite Holiday. I don't like the dry turkey or stuffing or anything besides bread, really. Give me salmon or an enchilada any day.

...I can't cook. I'm awful at it. I don't like following directions,
especially in a certain order, or measuring things (numbers---gross), or being patient enough to let things cook all the way. So, it's going to be interesting this year. Me and my little cousin are in charge of cooking everything.

...I am scared to death of turkeys. This is probably because when I was 9 we had Thanksgiving at my Aunt's farm and they owned two turkey's that they let roam the farm. Those turkeys would chase at peck at me and my brother. We were afraid to go outside, and would stake out in the foyer of the house, peeking out the blinds and shrieking if we saw them. They are ugly unfortunate creatures...and they don't even taste good.

Oh, Happy Thanksgiving.

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