Goal: 13.1

Saturday 26 March 2011

7 days from today I'll be running my first 1/2 marathon!
Bah! I'm getting so nervous already!

Here are a few things I'm going to try to do for the next week:
-Take an iron pill 1-2 times a day. (It's not overdosing if you're anemic)
-Drink at least 3 bottles of water a day (ugh, that's a lot for me).
-Drink less coffee. (Notice, I say "less" not "none").
-Ice my achilles tendon every day.
-Roll my IT band(s) every day.
-Stretch, stretch, stretch.
-Try not to psych myself out...

PS-This picture makes me laugh.
If they can do it, so can I!


  1. Dani,
    Just want to let you know that you don't need to give up your coffee unless you want to. Technically, the fluid in a cup is more than enough to offset any dehydrating effects. Studies have shown that while massive doses of caffeine may heighten performance, a cup or five of coffee will not effect you either way. The only danger is GI (stomach) upset if you are really sensitive to caffeine. So if you are addicted to the coffee, now may not be the time to cut back ;) Good luck!!!

  2. Emma! You're so smart. :)
    Wow...I'm just so impressed and educated now.
    Thanks for letting me know!

  3. Do you have a blog? What is it!?
