
Friday 25 March 2011

Yesterday I drove an hour (without getting lost, thanks to a talking GPS!)
to spend the morning with my grandpa.

He had been thinking about what we should do for the day,
so he took me shopping. Antique shopping.

You've probably guessed it by now.

My grandpa is dying.
I mean, we all are,
He's just on a fast track.
(But then, he always was-he's an amazing runner).

But that's the most amazing part.
You would never know.

He is the most positive, lovely man I know.
He spent the day giving to me.
Gifts, time, macaroni and cheese,
A running watch.
An article about running back when he was in in the KC Star
(told you so).

And I spent the day memorizing,
the way he breathes when he hugs me,
his arm in mine,
his singer's voice.

If you need a book to read,
Read "Tuesday's with Morrie."
And when you're done,
you'll understand.

In the meantime, pray for my Grandpa.
The leukemia has moved to his right lung,
and he starts chemo again Monday.


  1. oh, dani. what a sweet time with your grandfather.

    i'm moved to tears...thinking of my precious grandpa sam that passed away last january, two weeks before kaya was born. he was the best.

    memorize everything! that way you'll recognize him in heaven for sure. ;)

    love you. <3

  2. Jordan, I'm so sorry. That's really hard, and you must have had so many emotions right around then.

    I am just so thankful for memories.

    I love you too, friend.
