
Sunday 26 June 2011

We just finished a 3-week series called:"Man Up" at the church I'm attending this summer
Go (here) to listen to the sermons.
There was something deeply touching about listening
to my pastor stand up and passionately charge the men to
be alert, firm, courageous, mighty,
and to love.

When he talked about a godly man
who had strength of character
who fought for his marriage and family,
who turned into the battles of life instead of away,
I felt like I was seeing a clear picture of
the type of man I want in my life,

It was also hard though, because at first
I wondered how I was supposed to apply these words to myself,
as a woman of God.

And today God showed me what he wants from me,

He wants men of courage and valor,
but He was me to be a woman of strength as well.
Even though I can be incredibly emotional,
and I tend to want to control situations,
he wants me to have strength in patience right now.

He's asking me to have emotional patience.
To take heart
to be strong,
and to wait on Him.
(Psalm 27: 13-14)

And it's so much harder than it sounds.

Patience to wait does not come from suffering long for what we lack but from sitting long in what we have.
-Beth Moore

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