More & More

Sunday, 26 February 2012

This weekend a speaker said something crazily intimidating.

"If you look at your life, 
and you are not growing,
I would go so far as to say...
You're not a Christian.
Because the Christian life is miraculous and transforming."

But if I look back at my freshman year, and the complete crazy mess that I was,

I would say that I can absolutely see God forming me into someone else.
Someone more like him.

If I could put college into bullet points of change, 
I would say the things that most transformed me were the trials.

-A breakup with my "first love"
-A (lonely) semester abroad in Ireland
-Changing my major from the one thing I had wanted to do since age 12
-Having my aunt die at a time when God felt so far away.
-Making some life changing mistakes & learning true repentance.
-Going through counseling after a family crisis.

Even during those trials, though,
 I can pinpoint people who showed me God's love during those times.

Rachel--she held my hand & gave me courage during the break up.
My freshman Passion group--they invited me in last minute and heard my fears.
Erin--she got on a bus and adventured with me across Ireland to visit family.
Dr. Allen--she listened to my dreams and advised me in the right direction.
Beth & Gretch--they put me under their upperclassmen wings & invited me to Bible study.
My mom--her unconditional love was tested, but remained.
Jen--she created a safe space for me to untangle my heart.
Ange & Paige--they lived through it all with me. Side by side.

The last four years have been transformative,
and I would never go back to who I was.

Today I'm a little bit stronger for the bruises,
Wiser for the mistakes,
Better for the people He brought along the way,
& mostly humbled for the way He makes beauty out of brokenness.

"Trials teach us what we are;
they dig up the soil,
and let us see what we are made of."

My prayer will continue to be,
"Prepare me in this life, this day, for a future with you."

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